Givesback – Tuft & Needle
  • Free no-contact delivery and returns.

  • Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Foundations. Learn More.

  • How to Use Your Mattress on the Floor. Learn More.

  • What Should You Know About Mattress Product Certifications? Learn more.

Original Mattress
Original Mattress
Two foam layers for simple comfort.

Tuft & Needle started a revolution by turning the focus to the customer with always-honest pricing, and insistence on high-quality products, and excellent customer service.

  • Original Mattress
    Original Mattress
    Two foam layers for simple comfort.
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A Fundraiser where selling less means making more

What if students could spend less time selling and more time studying?

Now they can with our new school fundraiser, the Tuft & Needle Gives Back Program

Apply now

Finally, a hassle-free fundraiser

We believe in giving back to the schools that help our kids have the best future. Partnering with us will give your school 25% of the proceeds from every mattress ordered by your parents, teachers, families and friends of your school.

  • No catalogs to pass out.
  • No students going door-to-door.
  • No teachers taking time away from the kids to tally up.
  • You get a checkout code. Parents buy a mattress. We send you a check. That's it.

How many mattresses do you need to sell to reach your school fundraising goal?

To raise $10,000, you could sell:

Candy bars
King mattresses

Calculate your numbers

Your fundraising goal
You need to sell


King mattresses

We've created a simple, stress-free program that requires no setup, runs on its own and sells one product.

But who is going to buy a mattress?

The truth is people buy mattresses. Whether they simply need an update themselves, they're moving to a new place or they want to help their recent grad with a bigger purchase, about 35 million mattresses are sold every year. It's one of the leading household utility items.

If someone doesn't need a mattress themselves, they probably know someone who does and a recommendation of an affordable, universally-comfortable mattress goes a long way—especially if 25% of that purchase will go to a school they support.

What makes the T&N Gives Back
Program different?

At Tuft & Needle, we approach everything with a desire to solve problems. When we thought about incorporating a school fundraising program, we knew we wanted to simplify and make it as straightforward as possible. We took a similar approach to what we've done in the mattress business and applied it here so you can benefit most with the least amount of work.

  • Hassle-free

    The application process is clear-cut and fast. After that, all you need to do is share the checkout code and ask parents to do the same.

  • Real profit

    Because mattresses are a larger purchase, you need to sell fewer to see the same return and you never pay anything to participate.

  • Great product

    A great night's sleep is priceless and truly something everyone needs. Our mattress is high-quality, well-priced and universally-comfortable.

  • No third party

    At Tuft & Needle, we eliminated the middlemen in the mattress industry. We’ve done the same here. We'll handle each order every step of the way.

  • No competition

    Incentive programs felt a lot like commissioned mattress salesmen. No longer do your students, teachers or parents need to compete against one another.

How it works

  1. Apply

    Public, private and charter schools at the elementary, middle school and high school levels nationwide are eligible. Parent Teacher Organizations can apply now to participate or be placed on a waitlist until we are available in your area.

  2. Spread the word

    If your application is approved, we will send your school's checkout code. Tell parents to share the checkout code with their families and friends. Anyone who needs a new mattress can buy using your checkout code and you will get 25% of the proceeds.

  3. Collect

    Your school will receive a quarterly check with your total profits to spend as you choose for your students. Note: Any returned mattresses, per our 100 Night Sleep Trial, will be deducted from your total before you receive your check.

Everything you need delivered right to you

Our goal is to make this as easy and turnkey as possible. We are dedicated to giving you the support and tools to make this a success. Through feedback we continue to perfect the Gives Back program allowing you to piggyback the benefits proven by hundreds of other schools.

  • Custom shareable checkout code

    You will receive a checkout code to share with parents, teachers, friends and anyone else in your community to begin buying the mattress.

School spotlights

Quartz Hill Elementary

Quartz Hill Elementary

Tuft & Needle Gives Back funded STEAM program supplies.
"We always have the link up on our PTSO website for all of our families and friends to click on and order a mattress from Tuft & Needle. All of our families that have purchased a mattress from Tuft & Needle love it, and they continue to spread the link too."
– Becky W., Social events and fundraiser
Madison Traditional Academy

Madison Traditional Academy

Tuft & Needle Gives Back funded initiatives for art, music and PE.
"The partnership between our school and Tuft & Needle has been amazing. I feel like the 25% return that the school enjoys when a parent buys a mattress through Tuft & Needle is just that little push that parents need to commit to such a big and important purchase."
– Colleen A., Co-President
kids at St. Francis Xavier School

St. Francis Xavier School

Tuft & Needle Gives Back funded laptops and playground equipment.
"Joining the T&N Gives Back Program was a no-brainer for us. It took nothing to sign up and most of our families knew of Tuft & Needle so this gives them just another reason to try out the mattress. The banner is very helpful with spreading the word because everyone recognized it from the billboards."
– Allison J., President of the Parent Association Board

Supporting education through better sleep

We're selling an item that everyone needs and will buy eventually. A great night's sleep is beneficial for kids, parents and grandparents—everyone is better with more sleep. Immunity strength, better mood, longer attention span, improved memory, inspired creativity and lowered stress are all attributed to better sleep. Tuft & Needle Gives Back™ will help students in the classroom, not distract them.

Frequently asked questions

  • How much does it cost to sign up?

    Nothing! We don’t charge you anything to sign up or, participate in the program. What's the catch? Why would a mattress company want to help schools? We wanted to find a way to contribute to the communities around our retail store so we thought about how we wanted to try to impact schools in a positive and out-of-the-box way. We realized that we had an opportunity to help schools grow and use the funds they raised with us wherever will most impact the kids.

  • What's the catch? Why would a mattress company want to help schools?

    We wanted to find a way to contribute to the communities around our retail store so we thought about how we wanted to try to impact schools in a positive and out-of-the-box way. We realized that we had an opportunity to help schools grow and use the funds they raised with us wherever will most impact the kids.

  • How do I get the checkout code out to my community?

    When your school is approved for the program, you will receive a checkout code that’s unique to your school. You can then share this link checkout code by emailing your parents, sharing on your PTO’s social media, and any other creative ways you can think of! You don’t have to restrict the checkout code to just parents, either! Please pass the checkout code out to grandparents, other family members and friends of students and the school.

  • Do I have to be an administrator or member of the parent board to sign up?

    Nope! Anyone can recommend a school for the Gives Back Program. We’ll send the information to the school once you give us the school information.

  • When will I get my check?

    Checks are processed quarterly. We calculate your sales minus any returns and then checks are mailed directly to the school.

  • How long is the purchasing checkout code active?

    The checkout code is active for as long as your school wants to use them. Although we don’t currently anticipate changing this, we do reserve the right to begin limiting this if we so decide. Tuft & Needle reserves the right to revise or eliminate the program, its terms, and/or its participants at any time.

  • What is the turnaround time from sign-up to using the checkout code?

    Once you apply for the program, we will have your checkout code ready within 2-3 business days. You can share this checkout code with your community as soon as you receive it from us.

  • Can a sports organization participate?

    Yes, as long as the sports organization is associated with and its participants are all students of the same high school or middle school.

  • Can our kids’ church group participate?

    At this time, the Gives Back Program is open to public, private or charter schools.

  • What cities/provinces have the Gives Back Program?

    The Gives Back Program is currently active for all schools across Canada.